Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Final copy.

Thank hou very much for your feedback, 

You will the final copy of my narrative here.

Please note that I intend to expand on this practicum and include other activities and other subjects.

In this project I will explore ways in which teachers can successfully collaborate with others sharing their resources, multiplying their benefits while dividing their time invested.

 Since course participants might want to participate in this project, I would like them to read more information about this project here:


Please share with your friends and colleagues. If I get enough data, we might receive some funding in its early stages :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Dear all,
I am very happy to say that I have finished my narrative.
You will find it here.
Please email me directly any suggestion for change.
Ideally do this:
1-Download the file
2- Make a copy in your computer with this name: SerraPracticumNarrative_your_name.doc
3- Tools>track changes
4- Email the file to me.
Thank you in advanced for any feedback,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Update on actions taken

32. Having finished my narrative document draft. I have sent it to other participants for review.

Since I got so into the topic and was so motivated, I probably spend too many hours and wrote too many pages.

Once I converted it in to APA style (double-spaced and thus making it longer) and added the cover page, the appendixes and the reference page the total number of pages is 12.

Well. I have to say this: I enjoyed doing it and I learnt loads. I think it has been a good investment of my time considering my wishes to have a high grade.

I plan to have finished the whole practicum next week (I now need to dedicate more time to the other course)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

update on actions taken

31- Brainstorming ideas for my narrative document and presentations and adding very relevant and interesting content:

The lack of feedback from collaborators and the technical problems experienced during the practicum has limited my results. I plan to use this limitations in my benefit, converting their negative effect in positive.  Often we need a necessity to have ideas, and translating problems into ideas is my speciality.

As a result my practicum will now include the following two areas:

--- Collaborating online: what motivates people to collaborate and how can a framework for collaboration be set up so that there effort is minimised and benefits are enhanced.

--- Technical problems during a project: how to minimise their effect by providing a simple guide to solve the problem. How to create effective guides that actually save users time, including time to read the guides (or watch them in case of video-guides).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Update on actions taken

29- Writing up the written narrative document and presentations and video attached. I will be working on this for the next 3.5 weeks (more work than expected).

30- Report #2

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Update on actions taken

28- Obtaining more feedback from collaborators. This has proven to be quite a difficult task as most collaborators are quite busy.

29- Writing up the written narrative document and presentations and video attached. I will be working on this for the next 4 weeks (more work than expected).

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Update on actions taken

27- Testing students. A set of 4 tests has been designed. Students have taken a practice test, a group test and two individual tests. The second and final test will take place tomorrow, just before students go on holidays (Easter break)

28- Obtaining more feedback from collaborators. This has proven to be quite a difficult task as most collaborators are quite busy.

29- Writing up the written narrative document and presentations and video attached. I will be working on this for the next 3 weeks.